Learn Your Allergy Triggers and Stay Informed

Allergies can cause a lot of trouble to the body and mind. There are few situations as unfortunate as enjoying a beautiful day only to have the entire thing ruined by a bad allergic reaction. There are many allergists in Cary that can help you to handle your allergies, but before you head to see one you should better understand your allergy triggers.

Triggers for allergies are pretty much what they sound like: they are the particles, foods and conditions that cause an individual to begin breaking into an allergic reaction. There are some triggers that are easier to spot than others. If you are visiting a friend, and your friend has a dog, and you start breaking out whenever you are around the dog then you can start putting things together. Still, if you do not break out around other dogs then it might not be the pet that is bothering you.

Understanding your triggers means doing a bit of research. As in the case with the dog, you should understand what other culprits could be to blame. It might be a certain shampoo that your friend uses on her dog, or even something in the house that the dog likes to roll around on top of. Breaking down the situation will help you to see what is causing you such strife.

It is also important to time and measure your reactions. This can be very helpful information to bring to an allergist, and can allow them to better assist you. When you have a reaction, time how long the entire process occurs. Start with the first signs of reaction, whether it be an irritation in the sinuses or a rash on the skin, and end when the symptoms have begun to subside. This will help your allergist understand the severity of different factors, and they can provide the right tests and follow-up for you. The most common triggers for allergies are pollen, animal dander, mold and foods. Keep notes when you experience triggers especially when you come in contact with something that gives you a repeated reaction.

While it is important to take notes and keep track of your reactions, there are specific situations where you should see allergists in Cary right away. In cases where your trigger is causing extreme pain or discomfort it is important to see a specialist immediately. To better understand your allergies and how to deal with them, visit this website of an experienced allergist in Cary.

The Top 3 Allergens in Raleigh, NC

The Raleigh–Durham–Chapel Hill area ranks a dismaying No. 31 in the nation for allergy afflictions. Charlotte is even worse—No. 3. The Allergy Foundation of America that analyzes America’s 100 largest metropolitan areas by pollen levels, allergy medicines sold per capita and allergists per patient bases this evaluation on an annual study.Area residents are beset by three major allergens, but are not helpless before them.

Heat and light are connected to the release of pollen, the first allergen. When warming occurs, tree pollination begins, stimulating immune systems. For that reason the warmer South, with its longer growing season suffers from a longer allergy one as well. Consider: pollen startup in April running on toragweed in August.

Pollen generators common to North Carolina include oak and birch trees and certain early growing grasses. Symptoms familiar to residents of the lands of the long pine that affect ears, eyes, throat, skin or the GI tract include swelling, itching, leaking eyes, breathing difficulties, hives, runny nose and nasal discharge.

To protect themselves against pollen attack residents should remain indoors as much as practical and enjoy the outdoors shortly after a period of rain. After outdoor activity, remove clothing to avoid spreading pollen inside. If pets cannot be allowed to stay outdoors, brush them. Access the media to check the pollen count and plan household ventilation accordingly. Vacuum with a machine that uses a HEPA filter.

Molds are microscopic fungi that live on organic material. Molds too cause allergies and breathing problems. Some generate mycotoxins, poisons that cause sickness.

Battle mold by closing windows before nightfall and cranking up the humidifier. Outdoor doings involving plants, compost or the lawn mower call for a mask. Downpours spur mold growth. Stay inside even after the umbrellas come down.

Mites are hard to see. First, they are nearly translucent. Second, a long one measures .012 inches long. Mite excrement is the primary cause of allergic wheezing. The average industrious mite, over its 10-week career generates 20,000 bits of feces and a great many more enzyme-smeared dust particles. Mites love indoor living and are fond of sharing pillows and kitchen space.

Mite resistance requires washing bedding in scalding water—130 degrees Fahrenheit or above, using allergen-resistant covers on all bedding items and washing stuffed toys. Get that vacuum cleaner going on a regular basis.

If preventive measures have failed and you or family members are afflicted with respiratory illnesses, You may need to consult with a sinus doctor in Raleigh for knowing more information here at this website.

Shorten Sinus Suffering

Sinus-centered allergies season can leave you tired and irritable. If you symptoms don’t subside after antibiotic and decongestant treatment, contact an allergy physician. Advanced treatments or painless surgery administered by experienced practitioners will shortcut your return to comfort.

Sinus doctor

The Top 3 Weirdest Allergies

Who hasn’t ever been allergic to anything? Most people at one time or another have been afflicted with pollen or mold-borne irritants. For others it’s hold that chocolate or shellfish. There is always at least one trigger, and for the unfortunate very few, some very bizarre onresr. Here are the three considered the strangest.

  • Cold—While many jokingly claim they are allergic to cold, a very small minority suffer from a real temperature related condition called Familial Cold Auto inflammatory Syndrome. Sufferers experience the release of histamine into the skin, leading to irritation in the form of hives and rashes. Deadly as well as strange, this syndrome, if untreated, makes a plunge into chilly water or a cold shower a fatal adventure. The body suffers killing shock.
  • Sun—A mere 300 suffer from solar urticarial. Their condition makes stepping out of doors problematic because direct sunlight stimulates irritating cells in the skin. Swelling and redness appear. If sun exposure continues unchecked, lesions result. The afflicted must avoid excess exposure and use sunscreen. Worst cases must wear special clothes and hide from the sun, like the iconic vampire.
  • Water—Topping the list of weird comesaquagenic urticarial, an extremely rare allergy (23 million-to-one against). Those unfortunates who cannot tolerate water are forever housebound. Bathing is a trial. Sweat and tears are feared. To try common beverages is impossible. Drinking water is done with care.

While being unlucky enough to suffer from one of these allergies is a long shot, being bothered by pollen, mold or mites isn’t. For information about allergy treatment in Cary, visit this website.


Get Peace of Mind with Allergy Testing

If you or a family member are experiencing ongoing symptoms with no clear cause, it may be a good idea to ask your doctor about allergy testing. Testing includes four main categories: a physical examination, an elimination diet, a skin test and a blood test. All of these together can give you the most thorough picture of what your specific allergies may be. Allergy testing can give you peace of mind by learning exactly what you need to stay away from and how best to treat your symptoms.

If you have food allergies, you may be experiencing symptoms such as hives or shortness of breath. Food sensitivities can be just as paralyzing, but instead of affecting the central nervous system or skin, they affect the gastrointestinal tract or joints. For each type, your body responds by trying to reject this food, as it views it as a threat that must be eliminated. Food allergy and sensitivity testing can involve keeping a food diary, trying an elimination diet and getting a blood test. If you experience skin or cardiovascular symptoms, your doctor may also order a skin test.

Some people are allergic to particles such as pollen, dust mites and pet dander. These can cause a wide range of symptoms including upper respiratory issues, skin reactions and lethargy. Allergy testing can help you get the relief you need by uncovering what exactly it is you’re allergic to. Testing for particles includes a physical examination, a blood test and a skin test. Once your doctor has determined the cause of your allergies, he or she may prescribe allergy medication that is tailored specifically to your needs. Medication can provide great relief without many side effects.

Allergy testing can be vital to your overall health, especially if you experience symptoms that affect your breathing. Some individuals go into anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. Many people treat anaphylactic shock with EpiPens that they can carry with them at all times. These little devices are filled with epinephrine that provides instant relief when inserted into the skin. However, in order to qualify for an EpiPen, you’ll need to get clearance from you doctor, which often involves an allergy test. EpiPens can be used for a wide range of allergies like those stemming from peanuts and bees.

Allergy testing can be an important step in figuring out your particular allergy and getting the help you need. To learn more about allergy testing in Raleigh, visit this website.

Do I Have a Food Allergy?

Food allergies can be quite debilitating. While some allergies present as mild discomfort, others are more severe and can even include anaphylactic shock. Individuals can be allergic to such foods as tree nuts, shellfish and eggs, among many others. Read below to learn about the most common symptoms and how to avoid discomfort.

1. Hives and Other Skin Conditions

Hives can be extremely itchy and can spread all over the body. Other skin conditions include eczema and general itchiness. You can relieve discomfort from hives by wearing loose clothing, being in a cool room and applying wet cloths to the area.

2. Oral Tingling or Itching

The sensation of itching and tingling inside the mouth can also be a symptom of a food allergy. Tingling often goes away on its own, but you’ll want to determine the specific allergy in order to prevent it from recurring.

3. Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Foods can cause allergies that affect your gastrointestinal system through such bodily reactions as vomiting, upset stomach and diarrhea. Some over-the-counter supplements can help with these symptoms if you’re not able to eliminate the food from your diet.

4. Upper Respiratory Problems

One of the most severe allergic reactions involves the upper respiratory system. While some people may only experience symptoms that mimic a common cold, others can have these symptoms along with anaphylactic shock or general excessive swelling. These symptoms often require immediate attention.

Visit this website to learn more about the most common symptoms of food allergies or to find a food allergy doctor in Raleigh.
